🐾 Maybe the reason I love animals so much, is because the only time they have broken my heart is when theirs has stopped beating.
Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trees. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The consciousness of trees

Researchers at the University of British Columbia are concluding that trees are interacting with one another in a symbiotic relationship that helps the trees to survive. Connected by fungi, the underground root systems of plants and trees are transferring carbon and nitrogen back and forth between each other in a network of subtle communication. Similar to the network of neurons and axons in the human brain, the network of fungi, roots, soil and micro-organisms beneath the larger ‘mother trees’ gives the forest its own consciousness.

Read more here and watch the video

Sunday, 22 June 2014

When did they change the view?

Sipping my coffee, waiting for the colour to take on my hair, I surveyed my surrounds. Just a couple of months ago, there were three huge trees in the spot where I was now sitting under an 'afdak', a sort of extension to the verandah of the coffee shop. My hairdresser had decided to renovate one of her properties into a hairdresser, beauty salon and coffee shop. I don't have to drive all the way to the shopping mall to have my hair done. Instead, it's a short drive into the suburbs, away from all the hustle and bustle of the busy mall.

I didn't know about it, until I phoned for an appointment and was told about the new address. "How exciting, an excellent idea!" I thought!

I sat looking around and it struck me that I hadn't seen or heard a bird for over half an hour that I'd been sitting there. The rest of the property was also devoid of any trees. All I could hear was the sound of traffic rushing past the front of the property and I felt a pang of sadness that this is what progress meant. The area was neat, walled and fully paved with only a few low-maintenance pot plants here and there. Very chic. Very modern in it's simplicity. But there was no life. Not even a spot for some bugs to hide, no flowers to lure bees and definitely no place for any birds to nest.

There must have been plenty birds living there before. Rearing their families amongst the branches of the three huge trees, providing them with shelter against the rain and shade in summer. And with no regard as to whether there were nestlings or not, the trees were summarily cut down to make place for our comfort, our pleasure.

There and then I lost my enjoyment of the coffee and as soon as my hair was finished, I left. I'm never going back again.


Friday, 6 December 2013

Listen to the trees

I have admired this poem for many years and thought I would post it here for posterity.

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
- Joyce Kilmer


Thursday, 30 May 2013

Olea Africana – Wild Olive

My Wild Olive (Olienhout in Afrikaans), planted in 2006 in my pond area, has suprised me with the most gorgeous little "olives" this year. The branches were so heavy that they looked like they were going to buckle under the weight of all the fruit! For weeks on end, this side of the garden was alive with the chatter and whistle of all the birds that flocked here to enjoy this bounty.

I also had a go at the fruit, why not? What's good enough for the birds, is good enough for me, right? It was mostly quite sweet with a slight acidic (sour) flavour and a tiny pip inside. I wonder how many new little Olive trees will be growing everywhere from the birds dispersing the seeds?

Sprays of tiny, lightly scented white to greenish flowers (October to February) are followed (March to July) by small, spherical, thinly fleshy fruits (either sweet or sour) which ripen purple-black.

This berry fruit is a favorite for fruit-eating birds, so look out for the Grey Lourie, Speckled and Red-faced Mousebirds, Redwinged and Pied Starlings, Rameron, African Green Pigeon and the Blackeyed Bulbul. Leaves are browsed by game and stock. This tree is an asset on farms and game farms, especially in very dry areas because it is extremely hardy and is an excellent fodder tree.

Olive leaf and olive leaf extracts (OLE), have anti-aging, immunostimulator, and antibiotic properties. A tea can be made from the leaves and I'm still scouring the internet to see if I can find a recipe. 

 Planted in 2006, my Wild Olive has grown to about 4m tall and 4m wide.

This tree is found in a variety of habitats, mostly on the southern slopes of the Magaliesberg mountain range from the rocky areas exposed to all the weather elements, in the kloofs, right down to the river bank areas of the Magalies River but is widespread in Africa.

Olea europaea subsp. africana is a neatly shaped evergreen tree with a dense spreading crown (9 x 12m) of glossy grey-green to dark-green foliage. Leaves are grey-green to dark-green above and greyish below. The rough, grey bark sometimes peels off in strips. 
Propagate it from seed or from hardwood cuttings. Sow fresh seed in river sand. Treat cuttings with a rooting hormone. The slow-growing frost, drought and wind-resistant wild olive makes a good shade or screen plant in the home garden.

- Dig a hole slightly wider and deeper than the roots. (The bigger the better). The extra space below and at the sides will be in-filled; but, having been loosened, will help yhr roots establish.
- Square holes are better than round ones as the roots can go round in circles if unable to break out of a round hole (yes, seriously!)
- As it has an aggressive root system don’t plant near your house, a pool or other buildings.
- Although this step is not essential, it will grow better if you mix some compost and bone meal with the soil taken out of the hole. Also it would be a good idea to fill the hole a little so that the plant will be exactly the same height in the ground as it was at the nursery.
- If it is am planted too deep, the stem may rot; too shallow and the roots above ground will die.
- Before planting, remove from the plastic bag! lol!
- Put the tree in the hole and replace the soil, compost and bone meal mixture, firming it down all around. The roots must be immobilized, so it’s essential that it is not loose in the ground.
- Use the heel of your boot to firm the soil as you back-fill, but do not compact the soil so that it is like concrete, as this prevents water and air circulation, causing roots to die.
- Water and cover the soil with a good heap of mulch.

- After planting, it is important to water at least once a week.
- It is better to give one good watering once a week rather than a little bit every day.
- Monitor to see if your tree looks thirsty (sagging limp leaves) and water if needed.
- Once planted, you can apply a general fertilizer around the base. (Culterra 5:1:5 is a good option).
- As your tree grows, it will require staking and pruning. Stake it against a straight wooden stick or pole, taking the strongest shoot up and pruning the bottom branches off.

Relax and watch your beautiful Olive grow approximately 800mm each year!

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Food from trees - Lemon Tree

I would love to have a garden that has all the trees from which one can harvest food - lemons, coconuts, marula, kei apples, olives and many more. Unfortunately planting some of these is dictated by the climate zone one lives in, so I'll have to settle for some of those that will indeed grow here in our frosty conditions.

Today I'm focusing on the Lemon Tree - songs have been written about it, poets have revered it and the health benefits have been advocated for hundreds of years.


The lemon is a small evergreen tree (Citrus limon) originally native to Asia, and is also the name of the tree's oval yellow fruit. The fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world – primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used, mainly in cooking and baking.

Along with other citrus fruits, the lemon is one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world today. Apart from using the juice in all sorts of ways in the preparation of foods and cordials, lemon peels and the underlying white pith contain a number of health-giving substances.

Flower of the lemon tree

The lemon tree is perhaps one of the most valuable additions to the kitchen garden. The first lemon trees to arrive at the Cape (South Africa) were imported from St Helena and planted in the Company’s garden by Jan Van Riebeeck. These were the predecessors of the rough-skinned lemon that we grow today and which is frequently used as a rootstock onto which other citrus varieties are grafted.

An added benefit of having a lemon tree in your garden is that you will be visited by the magnificent Citrus Swallowtail butterfly – Papillio demodocus demodocus – which will not only feast on the nectar from the fragrant flowers, but use the leaves as the nursery and feeding grounds for its young.

We are all familiar with at least some of the uses of lemons in the kitchen and in the home:

• A drizzle of lemon juice over freshly cut fruits and vegetables stops the cut surfaces turning brown and unsightly in the presence of air. The juice contains ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and lycopene, amongst other important phytochemicals (phytonutrients), which are anti-oxidants.

• Lemon juice brings out flavours, adds tartness to titillate the taste buds and reduces the richness of meat and seafood dishes.

• Various drinks, iced teas, lemonade, punches and the like, wouldn’t be the same without a dash of lemon juice, or a sliver of the fruit.

• The acidity and the pectin contained in lemons is an integral part of the jam-making process.

• Lemon juice is a healthier addition to salad dressings, mayonnaise and marinades than vinegar as it has an alkalising effect on the blood. Many of us are wondering why we are feeling tired, have aching joints, are overweight and suffer from Candida. Doctors Robert Young and Shelly Redford explain in their book, The pH Miracle, the negative effects on one’s metabolism of having acidic body fluids.

• Lemon zest (peel) is used to flavour a variety of dishes (both sweet and savoury) and preserves. It is laden with aromatic oils which most of us have, at least once in our lives, squeezed into the flame of a candle for a mini fireworks display. It is the lemon peel which contains the highest concentration of phytochemicals (or phytonutrients).

• And, of course, lemon juice is a rich source of Vitamin C and, therefore, an important part of the diet. Hot lemon and honey served up to cold and flu patients is soothing and healing.

• A slice of lemon in a glass of water makes it that much easier to drink the daily ‘eight glasses’ recommended for good health.

• There is a whole host of other medicinal benefits of the lemon. Those important phytochemicals have been shown to play a part in fighting cancer through their anti-oxidant properties, to prevent, and repair, damage to DNA, to destroy cancer cells and to prevent the spreading of tumours.

• The white pit, below the zest, contains rutin which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to prevent heart and circulatory problems.

• I haven’t mentioned the other uses of lemon juice as an astringent for the skin, as a bleach for nappies and perspiration stains, an addition to furniture polish, and a cleaner for brass and polish. It removes urine smells, makes hair shine, removes mildew and black ink and so the list goes on.

It makes you think that having your very own lemon tree would be a very good idea and that a lemon a day would do a lot for your health and well-being. Visit your local nursery once you have identified a protected spot in your garden. Lemon trees do not take kindly to strong, drying winds or frost, and prefer well-drained, light soils.

Green lemon

Lemons are used to make lemonade, and as a garnish for drinks. Lemon zest has many uses. Many mixed drinks, soft drinks, iced tea, and water are often served with a wedge or slice of lemon in the glass or on the rim. The average lemon contains approximately 3 tablespoons of juice. Allowing lemons to come to room temperature before squeezing (or heating briefly in a microwave) makes the juice easier to extract. Lemons left unrefrigerated for long periods of time are susceptible to mold.

Fish is marinated in lemon juice to neutralize the odor. The acid neutralizes the amines in fish by converting them into nonvolatile ammonium salts.

Yellow lemon

Lemon juice, alone or in combination with other ingredients, is used to marinate meat before cooking: the acid provided by the juice partially hydrolyzes the tough collagen fibers in the meat (tenderizing the meat), though the juice does not have any antibiotic effects.
Lemons, alone or with oranges, are used to make marmalade. The grated rind of the lemon, called lemon zest, is used to add flavor to baked goods, puddings, rice and other dishes. Pickled lemons are a Moroccan delicacy. Numerous lemon liqueurs are made from lemon rind.

All great cooks use lemons. Here are a few recipes to try out.

Lemon Curd
The most delicious spread for hot toast, scones and muffins. It tastes so good that you can eat it by the spoonful straight out of the jar. Use other citrus fruit or granadillas to make a change.
100g organic butter
200g organic sugar
4 organic eggs
Juice and grated rind of 4 lemons,
or 3 oranges and 1 lemon
or 2 lemons and the pulp of 4 granadillas
1. Melt butter and sugar in double boiler
2. Add well beaten eggs and juice and rind of lemons (and/or oranges or granadilla pulp).
3. Continue heating, stirring occasionally until the mixture has thickened like custard.
4. Pour into clean, heated jam jars.
5. Seal and store in a cool cupboard, or refrigerate.
6. Eat within a month. (Freezes well)

Lemon Cordial
A deliciously refreshing drink served with water or soda.
Juice of 10 to 12 lemons
Grated rind of 3 – 4 lemons
2½ kg organic sugar
1 packet tartaric acid (15ml or 1 tablespoon)
1 packet citric acid (15ml or 1 tablespoon)
1 packet Epsom salts (15ml or 1 tablespoon)
2 litres boiling water
1. Dissolve the sugar, tartaric acid, citric acid and Epsom salts in the boiling water.
2. Add the grated lemon rind and lemon juice. Mix together and allow to cool.
3. Pour the cordial into sterilised glass or plastic bottles and store in a refrigerator.
4. Dilute with water (or soda water) to taste.
Add ice cubes and a sprig of mint for a refreshing summer drink or add boiling water and a slice of lemon for a winter drink.

Lemon and basil risotto
125g organic butter
300g Arborio rice
1 onion – finely chopped
1 celery head, finely chopped
1 bunch celery leaves
1 clove garlic, minced
150 ml dry white wine
6 tablespoon fresh organic basil
1 litre vegetable stock
Juice and zest of 4 organic lemons
100 g grated parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Heat the stock and check for seasoning.
2. Gently sautĂŠ onions and garlic in butter until soft and add the garlic and chopped celery leaves and stir.
3. Add the rice and lightly sautĂŠ.
4. Add the white wine and allow to reduce.
5. Add the stock ladle for ladle, stirring constantly. Allow each ladle of stock to be absorbed before adding the next.
6. Constantly stir until the rice is cooked but still al dente.
7. Stir in most of the basil, lemon juice, zest and half the parmesan. Season to taste.
8. The consistency should be very creamy and soft.
9. Serve with remaining basil leaves and Parmesan cheese.

Lemon shortbread
100 g organic butter
90 g castor sugar
1 organic egg yolk
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons lemon zest
1 teaspoon lemon juice
155 g cake flour
1. Preheat an oven to 150°C.
2. Cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy.
3. Add the egg yolk, vanilla, lemon zest and lemon juice, and mix well.
4. Sift in the flour and gently fold into the mixture.
5. Knead gently until the dough starts to come together.
6. Cover the dough in plastic and refrigerate for 2hours.
7. Lightly grease a baking tray.
8. Roll the dough out between two sheets of baking paper and even thickness.
9. Cut biscuits from dough and bake for 12 to 14 minutes.
10. Dust with castor sugar while still hot.
11. Let them cool slightly before transferring them to a cooling rack.

Preserved lemons
Delicious in salads, risottos, dressings, marinades and on sea food.
Fennel seeds
Coriander seeds
Cinnamon stick
Bay leaves
Sea salt
Large fat lemons with the leaves still attached
1. In a bowl mix the spices into the sea salt.
2. Cut a cross into the lemons – almost to the base, but so that the quarters stay together.
3. Push the seasoned salt into the lemon segments and pack the lemons as tightly as possible into an airtight jar.
4. The less space there is between the lemons the more attractive it will look and you won’t need to use so much salt.
5. The lemons will be ready after one month of preserving, and will last for about 2 years.

When required, the lemons are removed from the jar and all the white pith should be cut from the yellow peel or zest and discarded. The zest is then shredded, thinly slices of finely chopped.
Recipes from Biophile Magazine (CopyLeft)

Pickled lemons, a Moroccan delicacy

Lemon marmalade on a slice of bread

Sources : Wikipedia and Biophile Magazine

Friday, 19 April 2013

How I do love the earth!

How I do love the earth! I feel her thrill under my feet. I feel somehow as if she were conscious of my love, as if something passed into my dancing blood from her.
- James Russell Lowell

Summer is at an end and we're enjoying Autumn with her balmy days and odd showers.

In South Africa, Autumn starts on the 20th of March and ends on the 1st of June, when Winter starts. It's almost 3 months of the most gorgeous weather, with cooler temperatures perfect for gardening and other outdoor activities. Winter is usually short-lived, June and July, with August bringing the winds that clear the landscape of all debris, ensuring a clean slate for Spring which officially starts on the 1st September.

Let us rejoice in Earth's unending beauty. Let us protect her from harm. Let us remember her strength. Let us remember her fragility. Let us act in ways to respect and love her.


Thursday, 27 September 2012

The blessings of nature

"To plant trees is to give body and life to one's dreams of a better world." 
-- Russell Page

As a gentle reminder of the countless ways that trees enrich our lives, I'm posting a list of sixty South African trees that are excellent for our gardens here in Gauteng.

Did you know that trees are the longest living organisms on the planet and one of the earth's greatest natural resources? Trees are essential to our world and offer a wide range of benefits to our environment and play a major role in purifying the air we breathe. The air is filtered by the trees and returned to the atmosphere at the time of photosynthesis. Trees provide us with oxygen, which is essential for the existence of life, WITHOUT TREES THERE WOULD BE NO LIFE!


• beautify and sustain our world. 
• inspire the creation of great literary and artistic works. 
• are a living legacy. 
• create a shady place to read a book, enjoy a picnic, take a nap, or just sit back and relax. 
• are nature's answer to the play structure. They provide limbs to climb and hang a swing from. 
• help to decrease noise pollution. 
• block an unsightly view and further enhance a nice view 
• offer both food and shelter. 
• provide wildlife habitats. 
• can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 50%. 
• increase property values. 
• help to prevent or reduce soil erosion and water pollution. 

Trees are a vital part of any ecosystem.  If one part of an ecosystem is damaged or disappears, the long term effects can be devastating. Creating awareness among people about the importance of trees and the need for their conservation is of the utmost importance to all of us.

Many of my closest friends are serious tree-lovers, not only for their beauty but also because they symbolise the blessings of nature; life; growth; good fortune; stability; strength and security.

Maybe you would like to leave a comment below and we could build up a LIST OF SERIOUS TREE LOVERS! Thank you!

Photo credit : Elizabeth Kendall, a tree-loving friend

Evergreen Trees Indigenous to the Gauteng Region (South Africa)

  1. Acokanthera oppositifolia - Bushmans Poison.
    Small, evergreen shrub. Bushmen used the plant as a bonding agent for the poison for their arrows.
  2. Aloe arborescens - Krantz Aloe.
    Small, shrubby Aloe. Good hedge material.
  3. Aloe marlothii - Mountain Aloe.
    Large, evergreen, drought resistant tree. Orange horizontal flowers in winter.
  4. Berchemia zeyheri - Red Ivory.
    Shrub / medium sized evergreen tree, up to 10m. Very sought after timber, red heartwood.
  5. Buddleja saligna - False olive.
    Medium sized fastgrowing evergreen, drought and frost resistant tree, makes a good screen plant while still young.
  6. Buddleja salviifolia - Sagewood.
    Medium sized, frost resistant, fast growing tree. Weeping habit. Beautiful scent when flowering in early spring.
  7. Carissa bispinosa - Num Num.
    Small, evergreen shrub. Attracts birds which eat the large plum like fruit. Attractive large white star shaped flowers.
  8. Cassine burkeana - Transvaal Kooboo-Berry.
    Small, evergreen shrub.
  9. Cussonia paniculata - Mountain Cabbage Tree / Highveld Caggage tree.
    Small sized, evergreen, drought and frost resistant tree. Grows amongst boulders and rocky outcrops. Nice specimen plant.
  10. Diospyros lycoides - Bluebush.
    Small, evergreen, drought and frost resistant tree. Attracts birds which eat the large red berries it produces.
  11. Diospyros whyteana - Bladdernut.
    Small, evergreen, hardy tree. Produces fruit which are full of air.
  12. Dodonaea angustifolia - Sand Olive.
    Small, evergreen shrub.
  13. Ehritia rigida - Puzzle bush.
    Small, evergreen, fast growing shrub. Attracts birds which eat the numerous berries it produces.
  14. Euclea crispa - Blue Guarri.
    Small to medium sized, frost and drought resistant, evergreen tree. Beautiful round crown
  15. Grewia occidentalis - Crossberry.
    Small, evergreen tree, up to 6m. Attracts birds which eat the small berries it produces. Pretty pink flowers with yellow centre in spring.
  16. Ilex mitis - Cape Holly.
    Medium sized evergreen tree, up to 10m. Birds eat fruit it produces. Unsuited to drier areas.
  17. Kiggelaria africana - Wild Peach.
    Small to medium sized evergreen tree, 4 - 13m.
  18. Maytenus heterophylla - Common Spike Thorn.
    Small, evergreen, drought resistant tree. Large spikes make this a good perimeter plant. Attracts birds which eat the Numerous berries it produces.
  19. Maytenus polyacantha - Kraal spike thorn.
    Small drought and frost resistant, evergreen shrub. Covered in small spines.
  20. Myrsine africana - Cape Myrtle.
    Small evergreen, shrub.
  21. Olea africana - Wild Olive.
    Medium sized evergreen frost and drought resistant tree, attracts birds which eat the small olive like berries and nest in its branches.
  22. Rhamnus prinoides - Dogwood.
    Small to medium sized, evergreen, frost resistant tree. Attractive shiny foliage. Attracts birds which eat the Small Black berries it produces. Grows in riverine forest.
  23. Rhus lancea - Karee.
    Medium sized, evergreen, drought and frost resistant tree. Attracts birds which eat the small green berries it produces in late winter, provides important forrage for birds in the dry highveld winter environment.
  24. Rhus leptodictya - Mountain Karee.
    Small to medium sized, evergreen tree. Grows on rocky outcrops and ridges on the hughveld.
  25. Rhus undulata - Kuni Bush.
    Small to medium sized, evergreen tree. Typical highveld dry forest tree.
  26. Zanthoxylum capense - Small Knobwood.
    Small, evergreen tree. Knobs on trunk.

Deciduous Trees Indigenous to the Gauteng Region (South Africa)

  1. Acacia caffra - Common Hook Thorn.
    Large, deciduous, fast growing, drought and frost resistant tree.
  2. Acacia galpinii - Monkey Thorn.
    Large, deciduous, Drought and frost resistant tree. Fine feathery foliage.
  3. Acacia hebeclada - Candle Thorn.
    Medium sized, deciduous, drought resistant tree. Seed pods stand erect on tree. Fine feathery foliage.
  4. Acacia karoo - Sweet Thorn.
    Large, fast growing, deciduous tree, attracts birds which eat the gum it produces and insects that are attracted by its yellow fluffball like flowers in summer. Described as one of South Africa's most important trees, because it is extensively browsed and used as fodder in arid areas. Strong sweet smelling scent when in bloom.
  5. Acacia nilotica - Scented Thorn.
    Medium sized, deciduous, drought resistant tree. Attractive scented flowers in summer.
  6. Acacia robusta - Splendid Thorn.
    Large, deciduous, drought resistant tree.
  7. Acacia tortilis - Umbrella Thorn.
    Medium sized, deciduous, slow growing, drought resistant tree, with a large flat spreading umbrella shapedcrown.
  8. Cassinopsis ilicifolia - Spiny Cassinopsis.
    Scrambling shrub / small tree, up to 5m.
  9. Celtis africana - White Stinkwood.
    Large, fast growing attractive deciduous tree, attracts birds which eat the small green berries it produces.
  10. Croton gratissimus - Lavender Croton.
  11. Combretum Apiculatum - Red Bushwillow.
    Small to medium sized deciduous tree, 3 - 10m. Occurs in dry open bushy shrub like woodland.
  12. Combretum erythrophyllum - River Bushwillow.
    Large, fast growing, deciduous, frost hardy tree. Grows along riverbanks.
  13. Combretum molle - Velvet Bushwillow.
    Medium sized, deciduous, drought resistant tree.
  14. Combretum zeyheri - Large fruited Bushwillow.
    Small to medium sized deciduous tree, up to 10m. Afrikaans common name - Raasblaar.
  15. Dichrostachys cinerea - Kalahari Christmas Tree.
    Small, deciduous, drought resistant tree. Attractive Acacia type flowers pink on top half yellow below.
  16. Dombeya rotundifolia - Wild Pear.
    Medium sized, deciduous, drought and frost resistant tree. Attracts birds which eat the pear like fruit it produces. Beautiful yellow blossoms in early spring.
  17. Dovyalis zeyheri - Wild Apricot.
    Medium sized, deciduous, hardy tree. Attracts birds which eat the small apricot like fruit.
  18. Erythrina lysistemin - Common Coral Tree.
    Small to medium sized deciduous tree, 6m. Beautiful red flowers before new leaves in spring on bare branches.
  19. Grewia flava - Brandybush.
    Shrub / small deciduous tree, up to 4m. Dry woodland and bushveld. Yellow flowers.
  20. Heteromorpha trifoliata - Parsley tree.
    Medium sized, deciduous, fast growing, multistemmed tree. Bronze coloured bark peels back in concentric rings makes this a good specimen plant.
  21. Leonotis dysophylla - Wild Dagga.
    Small, deciduous erect shrub. Attractive orange erica type flowers in early spring.
  22. Mundulea sericea - Cork Bush.
    Shrub / small, slow growing tree, 2 - 3m.
  23. Ochna pulchra - Peeling Plane.
    Small deciduous tree, 3 - 7m. Pretty smooth bark which peels off like the exotic plane tree.
  24. Pappea capensis - Jacket Plum.
    Small to medium sized tree, up to 7m.
  25. Pavetta gardenifolia - Common Brides Bush.
    Small, deciduous shrub.
  26. Peltophorum africanum - Weeping / African Wattle.
    Small to medium sized deciduous tree, 5 - 10m. Beautiful yellow flowers.
  27. Rhus dentata - Nana Berry.
    Small deciduous tree, up to 6m. Red shiny fruit.
  28. Rhus pyroides - Common Wildcurrant.
    Medium sized, fast growing, deciduous, drought and frost resistant tree. Attracts birds which eat the currant like berries in summer.
  29. Rhus zeyheri - Blue Currant.
    Small deciduous tree, 3 - 4m. Blue grey foliage. Occurs on rocky koppies and stream banks.
  30. Sclerocarya birrea - Marula.
    Medium sized tree, up to 10m. Frost sensitive.
  31. Scolopia zeyheri - Thorny Pear.
    Medium sized, deciduous tree.
  32. Securinega virosa - White Berry Bush.
    Small, deciduous shrub. Attracts birds which eat small white berries.
  33. Spirostachys africana - Tamboti.
    Medium sized tree, up to 10m. The sap from this tree is poisonous.
  34. Ziziphus mucronata - Buffalo Thorn.
    Medium sized, fast growing, deciduous, drought and frost resistant tree. Attracts birds which eat the large red berries it produces. Makes a good perimeter barrier as its thorns are rather profuse when young and difficult to untangle because one points forward while the other points backward. Shiny light green leaves hence the afrikaans common name Blinkblaar.

Sixty tree list from "The Tree House"

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei)

Windmill Palm Sept 2012
Not being a palm tree lover, I nevertheless planted my Windmill Palm in November 2006 on the advice of my local nursery. I like trees that can play host to lots of birds and their nests and as far as I was concerned, palm trees didn't fit this category. I especially dislike Date Palms, but I had my arm twisted, once the nurseryman told me it requires no pruning and is generally pest and disease free, and  although this palm is native to temperate and subtropical mountainous areas of Asia including southeastern China, Taiwan and the Chusan Islands, I agreed to plant the Fan Palm in my bathroom courtyard purely for ornamental display and I can honestly say I'm very glad I did!
Fruit of my Windmill Palm

 Windmill Palm fruit as it opens (this was 3 days after the above photograph was taken)
The Hemp palm or Windmill palm as it is commonly known (Trachycarpus fortunei), are dioecious evergreen palms with a stout, fibre-covered solitary trunk bearing rounded leaves palmately divided into linear segments. 

Male and female flowers are borne on separate plants (so this palm is said to be dioecious). They are densely arranged on 2-3 ft (0.6-0.9 m) long branched stalks called an inflorescence. The windmill palm's bright yellow inflorescence erupts from a packet-like bud in late winter and early spring and is held within the crown. On female plants the flowers are followed in late summer by round or oblong blue fruits that are about 1/2 in (1.3 cm) in diameter. Mine bears the yellow flowers but has never fruited, so I presume it is a male. In older individuals the fibers on the trunk sloughs away to reveal a smooth ringed surface. The Windmill palm is one of the most cold hardy palms available. It is beautifully compact and grows to heights of 20-40 ft (6.1-12.2 m) so no wonder it survived our very frosty winters here in Tarlton!
The coir-like hairy trunk
Now I get to the reason why I say I'm very glad I planted it. It is in full view from where I sit in the bath. This private courtyard is fully walled so in summer the folding-sliding doors are always fully open. From here I have watched the Cape Wagtails (Motacilla capensis) rear several sets of babies, the courtyard always offering a safe haven as they fledge, walking around the courtyard until they can manage to fly over the wall and into the garden. The youngsters would play, giving mock chase to one another, scrounge around for little insects and sometimes wander into the bathroom for a quick inspection. The Wagtails have hollowed out a beautiful chamber in the coir-like fibers of the trunk and lined it with soft grasses and feathers and have been using it for a few of years now, warm and safe from the elements

View of the palm from the bath

My OC Robin also just loves this courtyard, flitting from branch to branch in the palm, to great consternation of the Wagtails, who always try and scare him off but he firmly stands his ground or obligingly moves to the Olive tree for a while.
The weavers also make use of the long fronds of the palm leaves by snipping off a piece at the base and then flying off, tearing off long strips for their nests as they fly off. At first I was worried that it would damage the palm but it has had no significant effect. And they have provided me with hours of delightful watching as they sometimes struggle with the strips, often firmly clamping it in their beaks and flying backwards, tearing it off after a couple of attempts. I've even watched to birds fighting over the same strip, having a mid-air tug-of-war.
I can really recommend this lovely palm for your garden, trouble free, doesn't take up much space and South African birds love it!

The Palm in 2006 when I planted it (far right, in case you miss it!)
 My palm in 2009


Saturday, 3 March 2012

Kei Apple

This is Dovyalis caffra, the Umkokola, or Kei apple, growing in my garden. It is a small to medium-sized tree, native to southern Africa. Its distribution extends from the Kei River in the south, from which the common name derives, northwards along the eastern side of the continent to Tanzania. The ripe fruits are tasty, reminiscent of a small apple.

It is a usually found in dry types of woodland when it grows to 6m tall. In moister types of open woodland it reaches its greatest size of about 8–9 meters. It is a rather straggly tree, with sharp, 3–6 cm long stem spines in the leaf axils. Buds at the base of the spine produce clusters of alternately arranged simple ovate leaves 3–6 cm long.

The flowers are inconspicuous, solitary or clustered, with no petals. It is dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants, though some female plants are parthenogenetic.

The fruit is an edible, bright yellow or orange globose berry 2.5–4cm diameter, with the skin and flesh of a uniform colour and containing several small seeds. Production is often copious, weighing down the branches during the summer. They are juicy, tasty and acidic. I found a lot of them lying under the trees and, to my surprise, untouched by my tortoise. I would have thought that she would like them, as she has a real feast when my peach tree drops the peaches.

Torti - she's a Mountain Tortoise (or Leopard Tortoise - Geochelone pardalis)


Sunday, 15 January 2012

Listen With Your Heart

Just as whales and dolphins are the Earth’s Record Keepers living In the Oceans,
the Trees are the Record Keepers living on Land.

The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication network system that transmits information so that all Trees, everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are the Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can easily “tap’ into (note the term “tap root' we can tap into their vast library).

The Trees are open to all, and not closed in their belief systems or ways of thinking They are open to the Universe and to all life around them, and welcome information coming in from all sources and all places.



They have a cataloguing system built right into them that filters and sorts all the information into categories, and then files these categories away for easy retrieval—just like in our libraries—only the Trees do it themselves, automatically, without any help from man-made technology When you open your doors to the Living Libraries all around you, and take advantage of their accumulation and wealth of knowledge that you need in your lives, you can fulfil your missions here on Earth with greater ease and grace.

All you have to do is give intent for it, and it is so. Intention is always the first step, and then consciously connecting and communing with the Trees is the second step, and walking amongst them, touching them, sitting with them is the third step, and voila, it will happen...


...you will be privy to their information and will find yourselves able to tap Into their vast storage system with no effort. It Is that easy This Is the code to enter the Trees’ library

The Trees are stewards of the Land. They give us the oxygen to breathe and we give them the carbon dioxide they need to breathe—It is a complete cycle of living energy— they are our In-breath, and our out-breath gives them their in-breath—if one of us becomes extinct, the other immediately follows. This is the cycle of life that all are dependent on. We all need each other to live, and we are just now discovering this dependency All species are part of this great life cycle, and all are needed to keep it perfectly functioning. It Is the great rhythm of life that we all carry out together


Align Center

All life forms - every single species, every single plant, every stone, contributes to the overall plan of Creation, and without each and every one of us, life will eventually collapse, as part of the biosphere collapses each time a species is lost through extinction due to mankind’s wars and intrusions into these sacred habitats.

The Trees are yearning to communicate with us, yearning to feel our touch and embrace us in their love and energy. We can go to them, talk to them, sit with them, as they stand vigilant over our homes and communities as protectors of our very lives. Talk to them, and they will answer. They have been waiting eons to have humans reconnect with them again.


Make a Tree Connection today!



Responsibility for the

Earth and the




Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Rhus lancea (Swart Karee)

People in suburbia see trees differently than foresters do. They cherish every one. It is useless to speak of the probability that a certain tree will die when the tree is in someone's backyard .... You are talking about a personal asset, a friend,
a monument, not about board feet of lumber.
- Roger Swain

21st November 2011 - Finally we've had some GOOD rain! (30mm in a couple of hours) and this will really boost my lawn, which has still been yellow since the winter. The trees are also all fresh, green and sparkling clean, as is evident from the sketch of a few leaves of one of my Karees (Rhus lancea) indigenous to Southern Africa. It's a bit of an untidy tree, with a weird growing habit of the branches backing up on one another and having most of its leaves right at the tip of the branches. It has a graceful, weeping form and dark, fissured bark that contrasts well with its long, thinnish, hairless, dark-green, trifoliate leaves with smooth margins.

The small, inconspicuous flowers are presented as much-branched sprays which are greenish-yellow in colour and are produced from June until September. The male and female flowers occur on separate trees (luckily I have quite a few of them in my garden, so some must be male and some female). The fruit are small (up to 5mm in diameter), round, slightly flattened and covered with a thin fleshy layer which is glossy and yellowish to brown when ripe. The fruits are produced from September until January.

The fruit is eaten by birds such as Bulbuls, Guinea fowl and Francolins. Game animals such as Kudu, Roan antelope and Sable browse the leaves of the tree which can serve as an important food source for them in times of drought. The sweetly scented flowers attract bees and other insects to them. Now re-named Searsia lancea, it is useful in providing natural soil stabilisation and increasing infiltration of rainwater into the soil thus reducing erosion and raising the ground water table.

The leaves of the Karee provide valuable fodder for livestock but can taint the flavour of milk if eaten in large quantities by dairy cattle as a result of the resin contained in them. The tree is also an important source of shade for livestock in certain regions. The bark, twigs and leaves provide tannin. In the past the hard wood was used for fence posts, tool handles and parts of wagons. Bowls, tobacco pipes and bows were also made from the wood. The fruits are edible and were once used as an important ingredient of mead or honey beer. The word karee is said to be the original Khoi word for mead.

Camera : Kodak EasyShare C195 - pic taken in my garden (Tarlton, South Africa).


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Thorn Trees of Africa

Thorn tree - watercolour on Ashrad 300gsm - 11" x 7.5" - Maree
Umbrella Thorn
{Acacia tortilis}

There are few more striking symbols of Africa than a thorn tree - its gnarled branches, graceful form, jagged thorns and abundant blooms, in many ways reflecting the paradoxes of the continent.

This Umbrella Thorn (Acacia tortilis) stands in one corner of my garden and offers a safe haven for many birds who seek a safe place to nest.

Umbrella Thorn Acacia {Acacia tortilis}
The Umbrella Thorn Acacia grows in Africa. There are over 700 species of the Acacia in Africa. Umbrella Thorn Acacia is one of the most recognizable trees of the African savanna. It grows in sand dunes and rocky grounds of Africa's grasslands. Acacias grow in areas with annual rainfall as low as 4cm. This tree can survive in 50°C temperatures during the day, and freezing temperatures at nights. The savanna that the Acacias live in is hot and dry in the respective summer of the Southern Hemisphere although at night the temperature can go below -18°C. During the winter months the savanna gets a lot of rain. The Umbrella Thorn grows up to 20 meters high and has a spreading, flat-tapped crown that gives it its name.

The structure of umbrella thorn trees preserves soil moisture by having a high proportion above-ground woody mass and low amount of foliage and the utmost top tips are a favourite grazing spot for Giraffes.

(Info from Wikipedia)


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