đŸŸ Maybe the reason I love animals so much, is because the only time they have broken my heart is when theirs has stopped beating.
Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 January 2012

A place where I can hang my heart...

The front entrance of my home, densely framed by two species of Karee - Karee viminalis (White Karee) and Karee lancea (black Karee) as well as various indigenous grasses and aloes.


I've had a couple of requests to 'share' a bit more about where I live on my little piece of African soil. This is my home in Tarlton, South Africa, situated on an 8.5ha smallholding. When landscaping my garden about 7 years ago, I took inspiration from Africa, and nature in particular, choosing to plant only indigenous trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers, with the result that I have a rather wild garden with not much colour, as indigenous flowers and shrubs tend to be less spectacular than most exotic plants, which just don't do well in our climate at all, with very hot and sometimes dry summers and winters that can dish out the coldest of frosts.

I am not ostentatious by nature and prefer the simple and natural things in life. Here I can putter around in my old garden clothes and find my way back to a place that feels right - weeding does that for me. Here I can dream BIG dreams, not all of which become reality but I certainly have fun along the way!

Hope you enjoy, I know I just LOVE to see other people's living spaces, be it small or large, simple or ornate, in suburbia or the country, in a basement or a sky-scraper, inland or at the coast.


A garden ornament hanging from a Karee Viminalis (White Karee), and Jacko, our Fox terrier, sitting at the front door

An old (and now rusty!) paraffin lamp provides some light at night. On the corner of the pathway is a clump of Restio (Cape Reed grass) and right at the back is planted some Tiger Grass (Miscanthus). Grown in India, Australia and Madagascar, South Africa and other warmer countries in Europe, Tiger grass is believed to be the grass that the Bengal tiger uses to clean and maintain its sleek coat. "With the knowledge that the animal kingdom is more in tune with its habitat, Bengal tigers roll around in this grass to soothe wounds and skin irritations, devouring its leaves while waltzing around!" (Don't ask me if that's true, I read it on a Miscanthus site while looking for info on this plant and now can't remember where it was!)

The Tiger Grass gets these beautiful white plumes at the onset of winter before dying down.

One of the many bird baths in my garden. An old log is being cleaned up by some termites.


My vantage point on the patio from where I survey the birds and my garden. Nothing like a warm cup of tea and a sketch-book while watching their antics at the bird feeders! A concrete-relief gecko adorns the patio wall.

A carport turned Studio/Potting shed. Here I pot and plant to my heart's content, sometimes sketching and painting here while my resident Swallows chatter with me.

My Studio cum Office - which often spills over to the kitchen table below!


A hailstorm we had a couple of weeks ago - just about destroyed half the garden! It was actually much worse than the pic shows, which was taken once I dared set foot outside and half of it had melted already from the rain that followed!


Even though it's almost only the beginning of February, I can see by the way the setting sun is moving and the chilly mornings that the season is turning and soon we'll be heading for Autumn.


I live in this world I have made for myself.


Sunday, 15 January 2012

Listen With Your Heart

Just as whales and dolphins are the Earth’s Record Keepers living In the Oceans,
the Trees are the Record Keepers living on Land.

The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication network system that transmits information so that all Trees, everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are the Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can easily “tap’ into (note the term “tap root' we can tap into their vast library).

The Trees are open to all, and not closed in their belief systems or ways of thinking They are open to the Universe and to all life around them, and welcome information coming in from all sources and all places.



They have a cataloguing system built right into them that filters and sorts all the information into categories, and then files these categories away for easy retrieval—just like in our libraries—only the Trees do it themselves, automatically, without any help from man-made technology When you open your doors to the Living Libraries all around you, and take advantage of their accumulation and wealth of knowledge that you need in your lives, you can fulfil your missions here on Earth with greater ease and grace.

All you have to do is give intent for it, and it is so. Intention is always the first step, and then consciously connecting and communing with the Trees is the second step, and walking amongst them, touching them, sitting with them is the third step, and voila, it will happen...


...you will be privy to their information and will find yourselves able to tap Into their vast storage system with no effort. It Is that easy This Is the code to enter the Trees’ library

The Trees are stewards of the Land. They give us the oxygen to breathe and we give them the carbon dioxide they need to breathe—It is a complete cycle of living energy— they are our In-breath, and our out-breath gives them their in-breath—if one of us becomes extinct, the other immediately follows. This is the cycle of life that all are dependent on. We all need each other to live, and we are just now discovering this dependency All species are part of this great life cycle, and all are needed to keep it perfectly functioning. It Is the great rhythm of life that we all carry out together


Align Center

All life forms - every single species, every single plant, every stone, contributes to the overall plan of Creation, and without each and every one of us, life will eventually collapse, as part of the biosphere collapses each time a species is lost through extinction due to mankind’s wars and intrusions into these sacred habitats.

The Trees are yearning to communicate with us, yearning to feel our touch and embrace us in their love and energy. We can go to them, talk to them, sit with them, as they stand vigilant over our homes and communities as protectors of our very lives. Talk to them, and they will answer. They have been waiting eons to have humans reconnect with them again.


Make a Tree Connection today!



Responsibility for the

Earth and the





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