🐾 Maybe the reason I love animals so much, is because the only time they have broken my heart is when theirs has stopped beating.

Monday 17 September 2012

Journal of a Season

“I am enamoured of my journal!” 
- Sir Walter Scott 

For half the year my garden lives a life of it's own. Then it's Spring and I can savour the blooms of successes - and cut my losses. Anything that gets killed by Winter doesn't get re-planted, I'm not a sucker for punishment! 

Pic from an old 1970's 'Victoria' magazine 

 I try and record most of everything that goes on in the garden from new plantings to removing dead items, which birds are new or just visiting or nesting, deaths and births, what the chickens or hedgehogs are up to and I also do sketches of new lay-outs in my Gardening Journal or new features I might want to add. 

This way I get a preview of how it might look and also scribble reminders of when the Bougainvillea or Clematis has to be trimmed back. It's really a scrapbook-in-progress of my house and garden combined, also containing new building and decorating projects as well as (on-going!) renovations. 

Insects play a large role in my garden and I have quite a collection of beetles, moths, butterflies and scorpions. And something some people find a bit weird - I have a large collection of skeletons and skulls of rats, birds and lizards. Whenever I find something dead, I place it in a bucket, wait for it to decay and then pick out the skeleton, wash and clean it up and leave it in bleach for a couple of days. Voila! A perfect specimen, which I showcase in plastic boxes. 

Exoskeleton of a scorpion I found in my garden. 

A few skulls from my collection (below) - the left one is that of a Kestrel, the two top right ones are from rats and the bottom one on the right is from a Laughing Dove. 

My journal also serves as inspiration for some of my sketches and watercolours, like the White Eye that frequents my garden on a regular basis. 

Cape White-Eye - Pen and ink sketch with colour wash in my Moleskine 'Nature' Journal 

My favourite pencil (below) for jotting down notes is made of a twig with lead inserted into the front. 

Writing things down not only acts as a 'release', reducing stress but also allows for a moment of contemplation that allows a clearer perspective on events to emerge. In high school my friends would make fun of me - you're doing your man diary again! So I was always trying to translate experience into words. 


Saturday 15 September 2012

OC Robin up-date

My OC Cape Robin (Cossypha caffra) – keeping an eye on me while I fill up the feed tables

I still have not been able to capture a pic of my OC (Obsessive Compulsive) Robin in my kitchen – he’s as fast as lightning when he sees me approach. Doesn’t leave in a panic, but just fast enough so that I can’t get a photo. He’s also taken to sitting on the back of one of the dining room chairs and singing his full song, the whole repertoire! The song consists of variable short passages of musical notes, always starts with low slurred whistle cherooo-weet-weet-weeeet. Couldn’t believe my ears when I heard it so close-by from my studio and, upon investigating, there he was, singing to his heart’s content!

Another discovery I’ve made is that I now have two Robins in the garden. My Robin was sitting near the feed table and I heard another one higher up in the tree and I am hoping that it’s a female. Now I know that, most often, it is usually the males that sing to announce that they hold a territory. The song warns other males to keep away, while enticing females to come closer. The song itself also identifies the species of the singer: it does not do to fraternise too closely with the wrong species!

Although the basic tune, tone and volume are always the same, subtle differences exist between individuals. In fact every individual has a unique voice. Each Robin recognises its neighbour’s voice exactly as we humans know a friend over the phone. This is very useful to a Robin because a quick early morning burst of song tells everyone who is who, no need to spend unnecessary energy on old established relationships. On the other hand, if a newcomer appears there will be much jousting in defining new boundaries.

And now I’ve discovered something new – he likes apple! Caught him snacking on the fruit on one of the feed tables and I only managed to get some photos through the lounge window – as soon as I went (slowly) outside, he flew up into the tree, keeping a vigilant eye on me. 

Hoping that Robbie might choose the 'Money Plant' hanging on my patio to nest in.

I have been told that Robins will sometimes nest in a pot plant inside the house. Then arrangements must be made to have some opening where they can go in and out. That’s not a problem here, my lounge door is always open, so I’m just hoping I will be that lucky enough as to have him bringing his wife inside soon. The Cape Robin-Chat is monogamous unless its mate dies. In the event of a partner dying Cossypha caffra will seek out a new mate.

Robbie's snack of mince meat set out on the kitchen counter

Nico Myburg of ‘VillageLife’ reports, “One could write a whole story about the nesting sites chosen by robins. In the wild they will nest low down in thick bush, or low down in a bushy tree. Once they move into your garden, which they seem to prefer, being the first bird to move in where people have settled, they may nest in hanging baskets of ferns, in pot plants or empty baskets lying in a corner on the stoep. There are a number of records of robins building their nests in a jam tin containing nails or screws, inside a discarded shoe in the garage or in a pile of fire wood. One nested in an open drawer with old clothes in.”

The lampshade (with proof of his visits) where Robbie spends a lot of his time - will have to replace the shade soon!


Wednesday 12 September 2012

The darling buds of Spring

A bird in the hand is a certainty, but a bird in the bush may sing. 
- Bret Harte 

South Africa is famous for its sunshine. A subtropical location, moderated by ocean on three sides of the country and the altitude of the interior plateau, account for the warm temperate conditions so typical of South Africa – and so popular with its foreign visitors.

It's a relatively dry country, with an average annual rainfall of about 464mm (compared to a world average of about 860mm). While the Western Cape gets most of its rainfall in winter, the rest of the country is generally a summer-rainfall region. At the same time, temperatures in South Africa tend to be lower than in other countries at similar latitudes – such as Australia – due mainly to greater elevation above sea level.

September is the beginning of spring in South Africa. There’s excitement in the air as nature starts turning green, blossoms appear on trees, insects come alive and days get warmer. There's plenty to see and do when you visit South Africa in September and October. Babies are born in the game reserves, northern hemisphere birds start arriving.

One such arrival is the Red-chested Cuckoo (Cuculus solitarius - Piet-My-Vrou) whose beautiful call can start as early as 4am in the morning and actually, I've even heard him 12 o'clock at night - calling, calling - trying to find his mate perhaps, who also made the long journey from the Republic of the Congo or Sierra Leone, Somalia? 

As we move into the summer months more and more species will arrive here to take advantage of the prolific food supply. Already the Wahlberg Eagles are back in early August. As an Intra African migrant they don’t have to travel far and are not away for long. 

Most birds, especially those that attempt non-stop or very long flights, have to build up fat reserves before hand. These fat deposits are a response to hormonal changes that in turn, are a response to environmental changes. Some birds may even double their body weight such is the demand of this hazardous journey. Journeys of 10 000km are not unusual while the longest round trip is undertaken every year when the Arctic Tern flies a staggering 50 000 km. The larger birds like raptors and storks migrate short distances between stop off points and do not need to fatten up before leaving. The Steppe Eagles that come all the way from the Russian Steppes (Palaeartic-African Migrants) arrive here in November/December. These birds tend to fly over land; they need the warm air of the thermals to fuel their flight as well as the food available only from land. Many of these birds, including the Lesser Spotted Eagles, Booted eagles, Storks and Pelicans fly in huge concentrations over Israel and Gibraltar between their nesting grounds in Eurasia and their non breeding sites in Africa twice a year. Their flight plan is longer than a sea route and man-made factors add extra risk. 


Monday 10 September 2012

Sacred Earth Plant - Wild Olive

Olea Europaea subsp. africana

Wild Olive / Olienhout, Swartolienhout, Olyfboom  
Tswana: Motlhware 

(SA National Tree number 617) 

My Wild Olive in April 2012

This small, graceful, evergreen tree, stretching its branches to the heavens as it flickers its silvery-gray leaves in the light sunny breeze is a perfect specimen for any garden. Olive trees have a timeless feel to them - young trees can look old, while old trees still express an ageless, graceful beauty. They are among the more long-lived species of trees and can reach a ripe old age of over 500 years. No wonder the ancients regarded the Olive tree as a manifestation of the ever-present life-force: evergreen and long-lived, with a tenacious will to survive against the odds in dry and inhospitable places.


I planted mine at the beginning of 2006 and since then it has just gone from strength to strength. There was one year where I had trouble with a white, woolley infestation on the leaves – presumably Mealy bugs (or woolly aphid), which are certainly the worst and more common insect attack on plants. They can live on the plant or on the roots in the soil and are capable of very rapidly killing large specimens.

Mealy bugs belongs - like other scale insect - to the Coccoidea superfamily and reproduce very rapidly laying their eggs underneath a cotton-like elliptical covering so they can consequently attain large numbers and also quickly acquire resistance to pesticides. They are small (about 1-3mm) and have a characteristic loose, hairy and waxy cover used to build their nests (depending on the species) and retain well-developed legs and thus remain mobile, even as adults, unlike most other scale insects. This means that they can easily spread and infect neighbour plants.


The Wild Olive berry fruit is a favourite for fruit-eating birds, so look out for the Grey Lourie, Speckled and Red-faced Mousebirds, Redwinged and Pied Starlings, rameron and African Green Pigeon and the Blackeyed Bullbul. You may also see Vervet monkeys, Chacma baboon, mongoose and even Warthog and bushpig feeding on the fruit in the tree or on the ground.


The botanical name indicates that this tree is an African variety similar to the one found in Europe. This tree also has some medicinal value. The leaves may be used as a substitute for tea. An infusion made from the bark relieves colic while an infusion of the leaves is used as an eye-lotion for humans and cattle. A concoction of the leaves can be used as a gargle for a sore throat and diphtheria. Powdered dry leaves can be used as a snuff to stop nosebleeds or to stop other kinds of bleeding. A concoction of the roots taken mornings and evenings alleviates kidney and bladder problems.

The hard, heavy and beautiful golden-brown wood is used for furniture, ornaments, spoons and durable fence posts. An ink is made from the juice of the fruit. The early Cape settlers used the fruits to treat diarrhoea.


It is easily propagated from seed or from hardwood cuttings although I bought mine as a sapling. Sow fresh seed in river sand and treat cuttings with a rooting hormone. The slow-growing frost, drought and wind-resistant wild olive makes a good shade or screen plant in the home garden, on golf courses and elsewhere. It is popular for bonsai, street planting, and for use at schools, office complexes, and in parks. It is perfect for dry areas where it is an excellent fodder plant for stock and game and it has also been used to stabilize erosion dongas/ditches.


Here in Gauteng the Wild Olive is found on the southern slopes of the Magaliesberg mountain range – from the rocky areas exposed to all the weather elements, in the kloofs, woodland and down to the river bank areas of the Magalies River. If you should be travelling in China, India, Arabia or on the Mascarene Islands, don’t be surprised to see the Wild Olive there too!

Sources of information :

Olea europaea 

Friday 7 September 2012

First rains

is as simple
as the morning after
a night
filled with

The first drops of rain always bring a smile to our faces. The smell of wet soil, the damp grass, and the slosh of puddles under our feet make us want to dance with wanton joy. Rains make a heart go romantic. Rains bring joy to the Earth. Rains announce that Nature is alive and well. Walking through the first rains is always a pleasant experience, something which we have cherished and will admire for ages.

Yesterday we had the first rains of our season - a full 55mm! I could just about hear the plants singing, although I felt very sorry for my chickens and all the garden birds - they were all thoroughly drenched and looking decidedly sorry for themselves. My Obsessive Compulsive Robin sought refuge in the house, spending most of his time between snacking on the mince I put on the kitchen counter for him, sitting on the lampshade on my desk in the dining room, only flying out when someone approached.

However, the first seasonal rains led to flooding and road closures across South Africa yesterday. In Gauteng, thunderstorms and heavy rains on Wednesday night caused flooding in Cleveland, Parktown, on the M1 highway at Smith Street, at Klipspruit Valley Road and New Canada Road in Soweto. There were also numerous reports of accidents caused by the wet roads. That always amazes me, how people tend to drive the same way when it's wet as when it's dry - one gentleman managed to roll his Mercedes SLK sports car not far from us here in Tarlton, with a reported speed of 140kph down the Game Reserve Hill in pouring rain!


The earth sizzled,
The air simmered.
The heat rattled,
Everything around smoldered.

One fine day fair,
The winds started to blow.
Calmed down the air,
Someone was saying hello.

One calm evening,
When everything seemed timeless,
It was a blessing,
To experience a drizzle temptress.

The wet land,
The soaked grass,
Nature's design grand,
I experienced it at last.

I walked through the rainfall,   
Got myself a bit drenched.
It didn't fail to enthrall,
My thirst had finally quenched
- Unknown

Black-headed Oriole (Oriolus larvatus)

Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings.
- Victor Hugo

Right through the winter the Black-headed Orioles have stayed in my garden, gorging themselves on the nectar of the aloes and the fruit I put on the bird tables. Their liquid calls always have me running for the camera and this chap was fairly unperturbed at my being fairly close.

Every now and then, however, he would look up just to make sure the situation hasn't changed and that I'm not too close!

The male and female are fairly undistinguishable from one another but the male is striking, with the typical oriole black and yellow colouration. The plumage is predominantly yellow, with a solid black hood, and black also in the wings and tail centre.

The female is a drabber bird with greenish underparts, but still has the black hood. Young birds are like the female, but have dark streaking on the underparts, and their hood is not solidly black, especially on the throat.

Although it has bright colours, it may still be difficult to spot, because its preferred habitat is among the foliage of high trees and thick bush, blending in with the sun and shade spots. It is likely to be heard before being seen as its liquid whistles interspersed with lowish, drawn-out screeching sounds, are loud and draw attention.

They feed mainly on fruits, insects, berries and nectar and are said to have a very quick digestion period of around 5 minutes. They will nest in trees, placed in a fork at the end of a branch. The chicks get fed on caterpillars, eventually leaving the nest after 14-18 days. There is no record of the incubation period for this bird.

Egg-laying season is from September - February. peaking from September to December. 


Sunday 2 September 2012

September gifts

All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else. 
- Mae West 

Today is what yesterday called TOMORROW and every tomorrow always offers you a second chance.

September is when nature gets a second chance, recovers from winter and prepares for tomorrow, when she will dress herself in her full summer finery, never looking back to what was and only living for now, doing her best and enjoying the moment.



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