My OC Cape Robin (Cossypha caffra) â keeping an eye on me while I fill up the feed
I still have not been able to capture a pic of my OC
(Obsessive Compulsive) Robin in my kitchen â heâs as fast as lightning when he
sees me approach. Doesnât leave in a panic, but just fast enough so that I
canât get a photo. Heâs also taken to sitting on the back of one of the dining
room chairs and singing his full song, the whole repertoire! The song consists
of variable short passages of musical notes, always starts with low slurred
whistle cherooo-weet-weet-weeeet.
Couldnât believe my ears when I heard it so close-by from my studio and, upon
investigating, there he was, singing to his heartâs content!

Although the basic tune, tone and volume are always the
same, subtle differences exist between individuals. In fact every individual
has a unique voice. Each Robin recognises its neighbourâs voice exactly as we
humans know a friend over the phone. This is very useful to a Robin because a
quick early morning burst of song tells everyone who is who, no need to spend
unnecessary energy on old established relationships. On the other hand, if a
newcomer appears there will be much jousting in defining new boundaries.
And now Iâve discovered something new â he likes apple!
Caught him snacking on the fruit on one of the feed tables and I only managed
to get some photos through the lounge window â as soon as I went (slowly)
outside, he flew up into the tree, keeping a vigilant eye on me.
Hoping that Robbie might choose the 'Money Plant' hanging on my patio to nest in.
I have been told that Robins
will sometimes nest in a pot plant inside the house. Then arrangements must be
made to have some opening where they can go in and out. Thatâs not a problem
here, my lounge door is always open, so Iâm just hoping I will be that lucky
enough as to have him bringing his wife inside soon. The Cape Robin-Chat
is monogamous unless its mate dies. In the event of a partner dying Cossypha
caffra will seek out a new mate.
Robbie's snack of mince meat set out on the kitchen counter
Nico Myburg of âVillageLifeâ reports, âOne could write a whole story about the nesting sites chosen by
robins. In the wild they will nest low down in thick bush, or low down in a
bushy tree. Once they move into your garden, which they seem to prefer, being
the first bird to move in where people have settled, they may nest in hanging
baskets of ferns, in pot plants or empty baskets lying in a corner on the
stoep. There are a number of records of robins building their nests in a jam
tin containing nails or screws, inside a discarded shoe in the garage or in a
pile of fire wood. One nested in an open drawer with old clothes in.â
The lampshade (with proof of his visits) where Robbie spends a lot of his time - will have to replace the shade soon!
Just like our Robins, they choose some odd places to build a nest. They have been seen to use a kettle. I once saw one in a cardboard box high up at the back of a junk shop. I hope yours nests somewhere near by.busy
ReplyDeleteMy wagtails are the same, one nested on top of a roll of wire standing in my shed and we couldn't do the fencing until she had finished rearing her babies! lol! I also hope Robbie stays nearby, I'll let you know if he does.
DeleteOops. The word 'busy' was supposed to be inserted before 'junk shop'.
ReplyDeleteHa ha! I gathered as much John!