As I went on a mission to rid my wildlife pond area of the
beautifully green and thirsty Kikuyu lawn over the past few months, I seemed to be fighting a
losing battle. As fast as I was removing it, leaving only the indigenous
grasses, the lawn seemed to organise its own offensive to get rid of
me. The left-overs flourished in all the rain we’ve been having, all the
while displaying taunting evidence of a new generation destined to pick
up the fight next year!
But this time it appeared my mid-summer decision to let nature take
its course has finally been rewarded. The native grasses have loved all
the water and attention spent on it and is now offering plenty of food
and shelter in this area for birds, insects and small wildlife.
Yellow Thatching Grass usually grows in sandy soil
in bushveld with a rainfall in excess of 600 mm per annum. It is also
found in open grassland and sometimes in other soil types. Often
abundant along roadsides it is found throughout tropical Africa and I am lucky that some of it took hold in my garden.
During summer, mowing this Kikuyu is a 3x a week job and this piece of lawn is defying all efforts to get rid of it!
At last, mid-summer last year, and the indigenous grasses won the battle against the Kikuyu (right at the back of this pic), offering food and shelter for lots of wildlife. A few Hens & Chicks (Chlorophytum comosum) that I planted around this Acacia tree absolutely thrived as the wildlife pond is fenced and no chickens can get in here to do their dirty deeds!