Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.
- Hal Borland
The full moon always has me rushing outside to have a look. It somehow evokes feelings I cannot quite describe - euphoria, sadness, loneliness, feeling at one with nature and wonder at the magic of this light in the sky.
For centuries mankind has been intrigued by the notion that a full moon
ā which rises tonight ā drives people to madness, crime, suicide and other
major crisis.
One of the most enduring myths in human history, embedded in popular
culture and folklore from Transylvania, is the myth of the werewolf. And like most popular myths, there's a certain logic to it: Earth is
about 80 percent water, much like the human body, the theory goes, and
if the moon's gravitational pull can effect the ocean tides, can't it
also affect a person's body?
Studies have found that cops and hospital workers are among the
strongest believers in the notion that more crime and trauma occur on
nights when the moon is full. One 1995 University of New Orleans study
found that as many as 81 percent of mental health professionals believe
the myth.
But there may be a simpler explanation for moon-induced behaviour: moonlight. One obvious explanation is that, before the advent of gas lighting at
the beginning of the 19th century, the light of the moon permitted
outdoor activities that were otherwise impossible. Full moon nights are
12 times brighter [under a clear sky] than at first or last quarter, and
therefore it is likely that people stayed up later and slept less than
the rest of the time. Even partial sleep deprivation can cause mania,
and it is plausible that sleep disturbance during a full moon may
function as positive feedback once a manic episode has begun in a
predisposed person.
"Perhaps this lies at the origin of the association between madness and the full moon."