
Monday 5 October 2015

The Robin babies are gone...

05:30 Empty nest of my Cape Robin-chat (Cossypha caffra)

The inevitable has happened - The Robin's babies are gone...

Early this morning I heard the Robins chattering and rushed out, but obviously I was too late. The Fiscal Shrikes were close-by and the nest was empty.

Now I know why Robins go inside houses to find nesting places. They are safe from all their predators like the Fiscal Shrike, the Karoo Thrush, Mynahs and a couple of others. I think the Robin is one of the few species that is NOT threatened by Man, and the Robin knows it. I mean, what can be more wonderful than a Robin nesting in your lounge or bedroom? We feel honoured and blessed should such an incident happen.

After the Karoo Thrush scared the Robin out of my house, I'm going to make an effort to coax and lure my Robbie to come inside again and find a safe place to nest.

And, of course, the Fiscal Shrike is no longer a welcome visitor in my garden. Neither is the Karoo Thrush or the Mynahs. But there is not much I can do about it. Nature is Nature and the rule is that the strongest and fittest survive.



  1. Sad. So sorry. But as you said: Nature is Nature and the rule is that the strongest and fittest survive.

    1. Thank you Liz. My heart is broken but maybe next time...

  2. Aaah, this is so sad Maree! I have a pair of Mynahs in my garden for the first time, and they are so clever, they know they are not welcome. Whenever I see them I try to chase them away so now they just fly into the tree as sit there, back chatting me!

    1. Thank you Antionette. I know how clever those Mynahs are, I had one as a pet and they are very intelligent, loving and on a par with a parrot. But just the other day I saved a Laughing Dove that they were busy killing, really nasty characters!

  3. Such a sad ending Maree. Unfortunately as nature watchers it is an experience we have to suffer from time to time. All we can do is try to concentrate on the happier events.

    1. I know John, but it's always so heart-breaking to watch Nature in action...
