
Friday 27 July 2012

As winter fades to spring...

… hangers-on will be forced to let go, 
making room for new growth 
fresh color, 

 A little corner created in the shade 

It's almost August and the warmer weather has spawned an activity of going through my garden to check on what needs to be done and I was horrified to notice that the chickens had just about annihilated my whole garden - what the winter didn't get, they did! I haven't been totally oblivious of this, it's just that it's been too cold to do much about it.

 The start of a new garden 

First it was the major job of cutting down and/or removing dead stuff and then taking stock of what was left - lots of open space! Many of the plants I removed were those that needed sun and had totally deteriorated because of too much shade in my garden now that all my trees have matured to 10m beauties - it's amazing how things creep up on you without you noticing… 
 So some new spaces were created in the sun with old favourites. 

 Progress - a little pathway for easy access and still have to add a few more plants 

After removing Red Hot pokers from a shady patch and not having anything to replace them with, I thought it easier to create a feature for the time being, below, but will have to get to the nursery some time or another! 

A temporary feature in a shady patch It's amazing what a bit of crusher stone and things found will do to help out when you're stuck without any plants…

Joseph filling up an empty spot with some crusher stone and turning it into a new pathway.
 And of course, no day in the garden is perfect without our feathery friends enjoying a snack! 

Make way, I also need some!



  1. What a joy to see your new garden Maree, thanks for sharing, I'm sure it will look wonderful once the summer is here!

    1. Thank you very much Elizabeth! And yea, especially once I get to the nursery to fill up empty spots!

  2. What a beautiful and creative garden you have, Maree. I am fascinated to see how different you plants are to ours here. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Kathryn! I will put up various plants from time-to-time, especially once I have planted some more, but my garden consists mainly of indigenous plants, especially to our rather 'frosty' area, so not all that much colour, just lots of greenery and bird feeders! lol! Thanks for stopping by, appreciate that!
