
Monday 23 April 2012

Just wondering...

  1. What you did this weekend...? 
  2. What you had for breakfast this morning? 
  3. What's your favourite colour...? 
  4. What do you have planned for the week ahead...? 
I'd love to hear from you! 

Me, myself, had a very quiet weekend, some rain and a beautiful veggie platter for lunch at the Magalies Hotel on Sunday, topped off with a lovely HOT Irish coffee (it was cool outside as we sat under the thatch, with a cold Autumn breeze, so that's my excuse!) 

I don't eat breakfast, so can't tell you anything there! 

 My favourite colour depends on my mood - mostly it's blue, but currently orange is ruling, even surfacing in most of my paintings and the decor in my house. 

 My week ahead looks pretty quiet, the way I like it. No rushing around here, just spending some time in the garden, checking on the Laughing Dove's new babies (they built their nest in the lower branches of the trees, so with a ladder I can just have a quick peek inside), painting, making a couple of items of jewelry and, oh yes, I have to prepare more nest boxes for my chickens, I have eight hens squabbling over four next boxes! 

 Hope you have a great week ahead of you! 




  1. Well, Maree ... you know what I did this weekend - time off work, play with Bruno and paint. I was so stiff from the longer-than-usual ride, I was walking like a cowboy this morning. I'll probably have an apple and a banana for breakfast, with gallons of tea all morning. My favorite colors are warm oranges and greens. And back to the office again tomorrow for 5 days, along with dog-sitting the Boxer girls. I will look forward to the next few days off!

    1. Oh, how I sometimes miss my riding days Kathryn! AND I miss Yattendon, my C-grade jumper, he was such a beauty! That apple and banana sounds just right, a wonderful way to start the day! I could really introduce some greens into my orange decor, would make a delightful combination! And those Boxer girls sound special, I'm sure you're gonna enjoy that. AND your week at the office, especially with looking forward to some time off. Time off is SO precious, it always gives us something to look forward to. enjoy your week!

  2. I've never met a color I didn't like..

    1. Aaaah MarmePurl, how wonderful! And I so tend to agree with you! ALL colours are just SO wonderful that it really is difficult to say which one is special! Thanks for stopping by, appreciate your visit!

  3. 1) Domestic chores, weeding and dog walking.
    2) Weetabix with squeezy golden syrup and milk, followed by a toasted teacake. Glass of orange juice. Mug of coffee.
    3) Just prefer pale colours to dark ones.
    4) Change library book. Meal out with friend. Dodge the rain showers when dog walking.

    1. LOVE the weeding and dog walking Jim, not so much the domestic chores! lol! And I sometimes have WeetBix (as it is known here) for lunch, sees me through the rest of the day. With LOTS of coffee.... I'm sure your preference for pale colours is indicative of a relaxed and peaceful soul, which all nature and animal lovers seem to be!

      I haven't belonged to a library for absolutely years, been buying all my books and then donating them to the old age home, only keeping those that I'm absolutely mad about, but that can lead to a lot of clutter, so I sometimes use them now to sketch in. That meal with a friend sounds divine, so enjoy! And DON'T dodge the rain showers, DANCE in the rain! Enjoy your week and thanks for stopping by!

  4. 1.Dancing Friday and Saturday night. Snowy here Sunday so watched the flakes glide down.
    2. Smoothie (fruit and greens)
    3. Red, all variations
    4. Two mornings at the gym, library another day, walking in afternoon (if temp out of the 30's F) Sketching and practicing with Pentel pocket brush pen (following Roz's directions) and other stuff, playing ukulele, reading. Celebrating husband's b-day.

    I too am in a clearing out mode which is why I use library when I can. Trying to clear out books I know I will not get back to.....

    1. Aaaah, sounds like you're going to have a fabulous week Diane! That Smoothie sounds tempting, might just consider that for breakfast in the future! And I also think red is a glorious colour, inspirational, invigorating and vibrant! We're settling into winter now, but hopefully no snow, although it would be wonderful watching the soft flakes gliding down. Happy birthday to hubby, hope he has a wonderful day!
