
Saturday 31 December 2011

This is life...

As the year draws to an end and I stroll through my garden, it always amazes me the peace I find here. I'm grounded here, on my own tiny piece of African paradise...

The White Karees (rhus viminalis) and Black Karees (Rhus lancea) have now grown to about 15m, offering shade to the plants and home to all the lovely birds that have chosen this as their home. I feel honoured.

Every morning as I step outside to fill the bird feeders and give my special whistle, they sit watching me intently, hardly able to wait for me to finish. Then I spend a while sipping my coffee at the patio table watching as they flit from one table to the other, not being able to decide what to try first - the suet and fruit section or the mixed seeds. There's a lot of scrambling and busyness for a while, but it soon quietens down as they settle into the serious business of eating.

I finish my coffee with a sigh and head for my studio.

I just want to say thank you to all of you for stopping by, reading, commenting and sharing my experiences of the past year as I whirl through this journey called life. It means a lot to me.

May your new year also be filled with JOY, LOVE, SPARKLING LIGHT and INSPIRATION.

Camera : Kodak EasyShare C195. Flowers of the Acacia 'karroo' - Pic taken in my garden in Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa.


  1. Beautiful Words. Beautiful Photo. Happy New Year!

  2. Maree, these are wonderful sentiments and words!
    If I haven't done so already, I wish you a most Happy New Year!

  3. Very best wishes to you and yours for 2012 Maree.

  4. Thanks ever so much Marme! Happy New Year to you and yours and thank you for visiting my blog!

  5. Thank you Kathryn! And may your 2012 also be filled with sparkling light!

  6. Thank you John and a Happy New Year to you and all your feathered friends and hedgies in your garden!

  7. I love your photo's of your Acacia. Would you mind if I use and rework it in one of my art works? I will cite your blog and the necessary credit will be given to the photographer !

    1. Pleased that you like it Annali. I certainly don't mind and would love if you would send me a link to see what you have done! I, Maree Clarkson, am the photographer and, as the article says, the pic was taken in my garden.
