
Thursday 26 February 2015

My new chicken coop Episode 5 - Day 9, 10 & 11

Since I hastily erected a make-shift coop in January 2011, when I was given Henny Penny and her ten babies, the time finally came in October 2012 for the up-grade of my chicken coop! It was long in the offing! If you look back over the last few posts, you'll see the progress I've been posting since Day 1.

Day 9, which was a Wednesday, started off bright and early with Solomon and his 'handlanger' already waiting at the gate when we opened at 8am. Today was the day that the roof was going on, and I was terribly excited! Solomon got straight to the point and started measuring the length to which the IBR sheets must be cut.

While he was waiting for his handlanger, who was cutting the IBR sheets, Solomon started on the nest boxes for the girls. I've got 6 hens, so I was only building these 5 nest boxes, which would have a little roof on them, as I already had some loose standing nest boxes which some of them loved and I wasn't sure whether they would actually use the new nest boxes or not (And at the end of the day I was right - the other nest boxes are always fully occupied and these 5 mostly go unused!)

Day 9

Day 9

Day 9

Day 9

Just as Solomon finished building the little nest boxes, the roofing sheets were also ready and by end of day the roof was on! I brought out coffee and cookies for everybody and we all celebrated this event while chatting what the next move was for tomorrow.

End of Day 9

Day 10 - Thursday also kicked off bright and early (I mention this often as it is a rare event! lol!) and Solomon got ready for the plastering job. I always look forward to this, as it somehow gives the whole job a sense of reality and progress, meaning the move for the girls was getting close!

Day 10

I love watching the plastering process and after a while I asked Solomon if I could have a go at it, after waching carefully how he 'throws and slaps' the plaster into place with such apparent ease. First of all, he had to hold the trough containing the plaster mix for me, it was quite a weight! After three attempts, I had managed to dislodge all Solomon's plaster he had done up to that point and although he smiled, I had the feeling he wasn't that pleased with me! I gave up with a sigh, leaving the job to the experts!

Day 10

Day 10

Day 11, Friday, the outside plastering started. Whoot whoot! It was all coming together!

Day 11

Day 11

Day 11

The week ended with a big bang with the plastering being completed by 4pm on Friday afternoon, leaving the whole weekend for the plaster to dry properly so that painting could commence on Monday. Wow! I was totally thrilled and we once again celebrated with coffee and cookies (and paying the weekly wages!)

Next - Episode 6 - Days 12 - 15


Monday 16 February 2015

Help a tired Bee

Found a tired looking bee in your garden? You can help bring it back to life!

Mix two tablespoons of sugar with one tablespoon of water and put it in a small receptacle like a teaspoon to help that bee get back on track.

How often have you been irritated by bees buzzing around while having a meal outdoors at a restaurant or a tea garden? Another plight of the bee is getting stuck in a soda can or bottle when they go into it to have a sweet drink, often losing their grip and drowning. Please consider these little wonders of nature and cover your soda can and cooldrink glasses when eating out in the open and rather offer them a bit of the beverage in a teaspoon. You can make a difference!


Thursday 5 February 2015

My new chicken coop Episode 4 - Days 7, 8

Day 7

Sorry, I've been a bit amiss keeping up with this up-date, I've been spending far too much time on my art blogs!

Day 7 of the building process started off bright and early - the building crew already arrived at 7.30am and it was a scramble to open the gates for them (normally only open the gates for buiness at 8am). Solomon immediately started preparing and installing the 6" tanalised blue gum poles and then followed a row of bricks to secure the wire they are tied with.

Day 7

Day 7

Day 7

Day 7

Day 7

Just after lunch-time, the builder started on the 2"x3" brandering, which is quite a tedious job - each piece of wood has to be measured and cut to size and then securely nailed and wired to the blue gum trusses.

Day 7

By end-of-day the woodwork was completed and the next day they could start on the roofing sheets.

 End of Day 7 - Solomon cleaning up and getting ready to go home.


Well, that was wishful thinking on my part. Day 8 came and went with, once again, no sign of the builder. My patience was wearing thin, but luckily he doesn't get paid by the day, but on a finished, quoted price. So if it takes him 6 months, that's his problem. Mine also, because I'm dying for the girls to move into their new home!
